Monday, February 9, 2009

Video Production Service

Video production service is where I started in the business. At first I wanted to express my ideas and thoughts about things through videos. But soon after that, it started to become something that people are appreciating me. They started to laugh and smile on my videos that it made me feel great. You have no idea how to produce a quality video unless you've experienced that sense of fulfillment even though you've had several sleepless nights.

When they started appreciating my work, business came in quite often, and this was like highschool. Days that I was suppose to be studying turned out to be production schedules for friends and clients. Sleepless as I was, I still loved it! I loved it so much that I was out of the classroom for activities most of the time.

As I became more and more sophisticated in producing videos, more and more business came in. But it didn't take too long before I got bored... really bored. All clients seem to be wanting the same thing. I didn't have the business sense then to delegate some of the work and still earn from it. In my mind, it was just plain simple, it didn't excite me anymore so I have to dump it. Nevertheless, I still continued my video production service in a different way.

'In a different way' for me means that I have to both get excited about every project and stand out from everybody else... my competition. As an experiment, one of my risk-taking client suggested that on her 18th birthday, I want my life story told in a 'different way'. So I created this video for her which was actually a step further my career since I'm starting to explore story telling through videos. Please watch and enjoy this (weird) video.

Regardless of what happens to the industry, I guess my edge in video production service is my ability to adapt to changes and find ways to become different.

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